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Healthy & Responsible Students

Fall of 2016 | Digital Footprint & Cyberbullying Activities at Heritage

September is Digital Footprint month. Mrs. Bland, media specialist at Heritage Elementary, works with students to explore the meaning of Digital Footprint within our newly implemented Digital Citizenship Curriculum.


In October, students engage in activities to define, analyze and turn down the dial on Cyberbullying.


July 2016 |Digital Citizenship Curriculum
District-wide implementation of the SCPS Digital Citizenship Curriculum is set to begin in 2016-17. Based on feedback from students and our own research, we customized our Digital Citizenship curriculum from Common Sense Media materials in 2015-16.
The Digital Leadership Team determined our 5 strands: digital footprint, cyberbullying, copyright and the law, relationships and communication, and information literacy. Students across the district will complete a minimum of five (one per strand) age appropriate lessons per year.
Spring 2015 | The Seven Habits
All elementary and middle schools continue to implement the Leader In Me initiative and the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Our adult and student Lighthouse Teams continue to work with Franklin Covey to define leadership roles and traditions aligned with the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Schools are utilizing Leader In Me materials to teach the 7 Habits. 
Our high schools continue to implement GRIT (Goal Driven, Resilient, Influential, Teens) and incorporate the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Our GRIT work continues with great leaders coaching and staff meetings. Our high school GRIT Teams work with Franklin Covey to define great leadership and coordinate leadership initiatives. Students from both high schools are using GRIT materials to explore how to incorporate the 7 Habits and leadership characteristics necessary to thrive in the 21st Century. 



Digital Footprint



Digital Citizenship

Leader In Me

What are Healthy & Responsible Students?
2017 SLP Goals for Healthy & Responsible Students

The importance of this strand can be conveyed this way: two-thirds of our Shelby County Mission Statement focus on it. We want students to "lead by example, and embrace social responsibility."  To that end, we make sure students are given the opportunity to lead their peers, and are committed to facilitating a minimum of five hours of dedicated, district-customized digital citizenship lessons every school year (grades K-12) in order to help them successfully navigate their increasingly connected world.

  • Support Leader in Me training in all schools

  • Provide examples for students to lead by example

  • All students receive Digital Citizenship training annually



Leadership Recognition

Spring of 2017 | EMS and WMS Recognized as LEAD Schools
Through meaningful leadership activities and commitment to community service projects, EMS and WMS have received Lead recognition from Franklin Covey. LEAD is Franklin Covey's leadership transformation process for middle schools. It involves utilizing the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People to create a culture of leadership and service.





May 2017 | Clear Creek Elementary Student's PSA
Alivia Louden demonstrates real world leadership by creating a public service announcement. Her message reminds our community of the importance of recognizing and stopping for school bus stop-arms. In just one month, her announcement has already had over 100 views!   





Stop sign. From
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